Car?ssimos, acabo de receber o Boletim do ISHPES -?International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport/Soci?t? Internationale d?Histoire de l??ducation physique et du sport/Internationale Gesellschaft f?r die Geschichte der Leibeserziehung und des Sports, de n. 42, deste mes de deembro. Nossa colega Cristianne, da UFMA, teve artigo publicado; apresentado no Congresso Mundial de Histori do Esporte, realizado julho ultimo no Rio de Janeiro.
?ISHPES-Bulletin 42 December 2012 15
Sport Psychology in Brazil: Approaches between Psychology and Physical Education
Cristianne Carvalho (Universidade Federal do Maranh?o;?S?o Lu?s; Brasil)
Sport Psychology is considered an emerging practice in Brazil. Turning into one of the eleven specialties in psychology practice, it has relied heavily on the recognition and regulation of the Federal Council of Psychology (Conselho Federal de Psicologia ? CFP; the resolution number 02/01 of the Federal Council of Psychology gives the title of Specialist in Sport Psychology in 2000 ? see, since 2000. The following summarizes the doctoral thesis in Social Psychology on the History of Sport Psychology in Brazil at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro ? UERJ).
The study takes place between the decades from 1930 to 1950 because of the lack of information in this period. The first studies in this area began to be of importance in Brazil in the late 1950s, more specifically in 1958, with the participation of Jo?o Carvalhaes in the technical committee of the victorious Brazilian Soccer Team. It is interesting that this actually occurs before the regulation of psychology as a profession in 1962. The Research we developed in the PhD made it possible to find information prior to that period, establishing an embryonic practice of psychology focused on the scope of physical activity inside the first school of Physical Education in Brazil, led initially by the Brazilian Army in Rio de Janeiro in 1930. This finding led to the first journals of Physical Education in Brazil, where it was identified the presence of psychology initiating an approach in the world of Physical Education, what is now called Sports Psychology. Some questions about this construction process and given these facts: how did this integration occur between Physical Education and Psychology? What relation can we find between Sport Psychology today with those early days?
In an attempt to construct a narrative about the early history of Sport Psychology in Brazil, much of the contemporary social psychologists agree on the position that all knowledge is constructed from a social production where we all play a role in the process of construction of meaning. Based on constructionism, this view is characterized by questioning the truths guided in the representations of knowledge production, considering object and subject as social constructions at the same level of relationship and interaction. In social psychology this view is developed through the work of Kenneth Gergen, 1973 (
Social Psychology as history), Thomas Iba?ez (1993), Jonathan Potter (1996), Ian Hacking (2001), Lupicinio I?iguez (2004) and Mary Jane Spink (2004) in Brasil, to name a few.
The research method is based on a narrative record that relates the documented evidence collected with the one based on the bibliographic collection found in the first journals of Physical Education in Brazil.
The history of Sport Psychology known in Brazil
Sport Psychology is another branch of psychological knowledge and it is a reflection of its construction as a whole. Therefore, considerations about this knowledge are important to better situate the performers and explain their positions in this narrative.
In the USA, Psychology is based on the study of consciousness, its adaptive function and its evolution in humans. In Central Europe the emphasis was on the relationship between psychiatry and neurology when madness came to be explained as a disease of the mind rather than the nerves. Although such experiments have been significant for the emergence of various psychologies, only in the late nineteenth century in Germany, W. Wundt (1832-1920) and his psychological laboratory (1879) provided the experimental study of psychology in university education. The world turns to control, to measurement, and to classification in all aspects of individual and collective, internal and external to the individual.
According to Soares (2005: 19) ?*?+ the nineteenth century holds a great scientific revolution of the laboratories, industrialization and growth of disciplines and social institutions. *?+?. The scientific and capitalist ideologies take care of the society transforming itself into a large living organism driven by the growing sense of development. Everything can and should be measured, classified, compared, defined and widespread.
Brazil has traveled this path slowly as the institutionalization of psychology as a profession and academic knowledge have only occurred in the second half of the twentieth century (1962).
According to Ara?jo (2006: 102) psychology begins to settle in Brazil ?*?+ mainly by means of applied psychology ? whether in psychiatry or pedagogy with emphasis on psychometrics *?+?, which were strongly influenced by the demand for control and measurement that psychometrics provided, offering an approach between Psychology and Physical Education.
Although there are results in other sports, it is those results obtained through soccer that psychology was able to obtain evidence in the media with the performance of Jo?o Carvalhaes (JC), considered the founder of this area due to his participation in the Brazilian National Soccer Team, World Cup 1958. ISHPES-Bulletin 42 December 2012 16
Besides J. Carvalhaes, other names stand out in the soccer area such as Athayde Ribeiro da Silva and Em?lio Mira y Lopez. Both of them wrote the books ?Psychology and Soccer? and ?Sport Psychology and the preparation of the athlete.? in the 1960s. Since then, Sport Psychology has been developing and acting in other ways, but even 50 years after JC?s important participation in Brazilian soccer, Sport Psychology remains as an unknown field in this world.
History that deserves to be known
To understand those who played roles and the relations present in this construction process it was important to view the initial studies, which began in Brazilian history, in 1930 during the so called Vargas Era (1930-1945). It was a complex moment of great importance in our history due to the political, economic and social developments, but mainly due to the fact of that the Army was the initial promoter of the theoretical space so that Psychology could be discussed, even if occasionally.
Health, hygiene and and education become the primary focus of the state during this period. It is when medicine, the army and physical education ended up meeting. It is during the Get?lio Vargas Era that the first physical education schools in the country begin to appear, along with journals about psychology. The militarization of the body begins in the late 1930?s because
[...] the body is the issue of the moment and it is the center of attention for doctors, educators, engineers, teachers and institutions such as the army, the Church, the schools, the hospitals. Suddenly, we become aware that to think the society over to transform it was necessarily related to taking care of the body as a resource to achieve the whole integrity of the human being [...]. (Lenharo, 1986)
In this direction, the army became an inviting scenario for sport to develop according to such demands involving the notion of control and discipline. The foundation of the School of Physical Education of the Army (Escola de Educa??o F?sica do Ex?rcito ? EsEFEx), established in 1922, as a part of the new army organization in the early decades of the twentieth century, was the starting point of this project for the ideal man for the nation.
In another aspect of controlling bodies, medicine was devoted to combat many popular and mystical practices that served as instruments of cure or beliefs for cure in a social context of treating diseases of the second half of the nineteenth century.
Given this scenario, we find heterogeneous fields as Medicine, Physical Education, Army and Psychology grouping and building new relationships. Psychology is then a propitious area to be and build a new practice focused on physical activity and sports. It is inserted in this context invited by Physical Education to try to interfere in the relationship between mind and body, an old philosophical issue that appears in a new facet. To understand such insertion the research sought to analyze the articles from the first journals of Physical Education that emerged from 1930 to 1960.
Research sources:
1. Educa??o Physica Revista Technica de Esportes e Athletismo / Physical Education ? technical Magazine of Sports and Athletism (1932-1944): the first journal about physical education in Brazil, published twice a year by Companhia Brasil Editora S/A, Rio de Janeiro.
2. Revista de Educa??o F?sica/Journal of Physical Education (1932 to present): created by the School of Physical Education of the Army (EsEFEx) in order to help build the brazilian race. Currently the Army announces sporting activities;
3. Revista Brasileira de Educa??o F?sica/Brazilian Journal of Physical Education (1944-1952);
4. Revista Arquivos/?Arquivos? Journal (1945-1972): designed by the School of Physical Education and Sports (Escola de Educa??o F?sica e Desportos ? ENEFD), established in 1939 as the first upper level school attached to a university, the University of Brazil, now the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ? UFRJ). It has academic and technical character in its articles.
In the first decades the army, doctors and educators ventured to discuss issues they considered relevant in the world of physical activity. Some themes found in these journals:
?Psychology and Physical Education? (1935): article translated by Am?lia de Oliveira.
?Physical education under the psychological point of view? (1938): published by the 1st Lieutenant Airton Salgueiro Freitas, Instructor of Physical Education and Sports of EsEFEx and coach of the Brazilian team of modern pentathlon in London Olympics in 1948.
?Psychology applied to athletes? (1946) by Inezil Penna Marinho, professor of Metodology at ENEFD.
?Psychological research in the scientific control of sports? (1954/1955) and ?Psychological conditions for the application of quality education to hygiene, physical education and recreation? (1964). Both written by Carlos Sanches Queiroz.
?The importance of psychological research in the scientific control of sporting activities? (1953) ?The need for guidance in the practice of sport? (1962) and ?The contribution of psychology to the sport orientation? (1964) written by Cec?lia Turre?o Stramandinoli. ISHPES-Bulletin 42 December 2012 17
1. The Sport Psychology in Brazil comes from the insertion in Physical Education and Sports Medicine and also by the knowledge focused on strategies to control the body. Physical Education in the decades from 1930 to 1950 included psychology in its journals in an attempt to respond to the demand in the formation of the ideal man for the country.
2. Articles and authors talk about psychology in the world of physical activity in a military environment thirty years before the institutionalization of psychology and twenty years before Carvalhaes?s action in Sport Psychology.
3. Psychology, as a field of knowledge, followed the trend of modernization of equipping itself with tests and techniques able to diagnose and intervene. It produced several specialties including what we call Sport Psychology.
4. Therefore, distinct and apparently opposing realities such as physical activity/psychology, army/psychology, psychology/physical education, mind/body, clearly approach in Brazil in the early twentieth century, initiating the establishment of what now is called Sport Psychology.
Ara?jo S. 2006). Wilhelm Wundt e o estudo da experi?ncia imediata. In A. M. Jac?-Vilela, A. A. L. Ferreira & F. T. Portugal, Hist?ria da Psicologia: rumos e percursos (93-104). Rio de Janeiro: NAU Editora.
Lenharo A. (1986).Sacraliza??o da pol?tica. Campinas: Papirus.
Soares C. L. (2005).Imagens da educa??o no corpo: estudo a partir da gin?stica francesa no s?culo XIX. 3a ed. Campinas: Autores Associados.
Contents / Sommaire / Inhalt
1 President?s News ???????? 1
2 Obituary William James Riordan (1936-2012) ??.. 4
3 ISHPES Congress 2013 ? Games and Sporting Events in History: Organization, Performances and Impacts ..6
4 2013 Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award ????8
5 The ISHPES Congress in Rio de Janeiro 2012 ??..9
6 The International PhD Summer School 2012 at the University of Copenhagen ?.11
7 Members? Forum?? 12
7.1 Growing Pains: Avery Brundage and the Olympic Movement in South America . 12
7.2 Sport Psychology in Brazil: Approaches between Psychology and Physical Education ..15
7.3 Le r?le du trickster dans les pratiques sportives nord-am?rindiennes ?.. 18
7.4 Club de Sports Hygienicos and Education Bodies in the City of Belo Horizonte ?? 20
8 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences (Announcement) ?..22
9 IJHS Abstracts Translation (Announcement) ?.. 23
10 (New) Publications ???? 24
11 General Information ??26
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